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    Li Zhibao, born in 1952, Hunan Jiang Hua, Yao graduated from the Arts Department of Hunan Normal University in 1976, after the application supported tibet. Member of Chinese Artists Association vice chairman, vice president of Tibet Artists Association, Tibet painting and Calligraphy Institute Lhasa Literary Federation Chairman and Party secretary. Works of "children and adults", "who", "beautiful jewelry not loaded the ancient Tethys tower landscape" etc.. Works in the sixth and eight session, the nine national art exhibition and awards. The "map" to be the first national exhibition of National Merit Award, "prairie Chronicle" won the 1991 Tibet Art Prize and the 70th anniversary National Art Exhibition, "through the holy" won the third National Art Exhibition silver hair "in ethnic minority regions," the man who won the 1995 Chinese Art Expo Award for outstanding works, "between the people of God" by Canada Second International ink painting exhibition "in ancient times, the maple leaf award, a wonderful afternoon" won the second Chinese freehand exhibition silver, "small" won the third "national Elmar flowers" at the national art exhibition. Awarded by "Chinese Artists Association" and "China National Minority Art Promotion Association" to "outstanding national artists".


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    版權所有:中國徐悲鴻畫院 專用郵箱:qwa988@126.com 法人證照 

   國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.xu-beihong.cn 翻版必究

