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  Hu Wei, born in 1955, college degree, 1974 to the countryside to Chengdu Jinniu District city original farming service in 1976 in Jinma commune, China 59210 people's Liberation Army troops in 1981 he later worked for Chengdu branch of Agricultural Bank of Chinese, engaged in the management of cadres. In 1988, the Agricultural Bank of China Chengdu branch registered wholly owned Real Estate Company presided over the work. In 1992 transferred to China Sichuan economic cooperation technology company engaged in real estate work. In 1993 after the departure of the formation of Sichuan Yuhua Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. (joint venture) Company as general manager of the company, established in 1994 in Sichuan Yida Real Estate Development Co. Ltd. (foreign) as general manager of the company, the Chengdu Sheng Industrial Development Limited company chairman and Xu Beihong painting creation base mountain City in China, qinghai.

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   國际域名:www.xu-beihong.com www.xu-beihong.cn 翻版必究

